The world was out of tune with God; it had shifted into a negative energy phase or lower vibration frequency. The low energy caused darkness which caused lacked of spiritual […]
Life is about “God”, nothing more, nothing less. Everything else in life is relative. It’s not about people…you, me, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Moses, Bush, Obama or anyone else. It’s not […]
A man has a good job, making a six figure income. Therefore, he doesn’t have money problems. He’s in good health, eat right, work out four days a week, therefore […]
Hope this doesn’t scare you. I know it’s going against the worlds teachings, but, don’t worry it is harmless. It’s the stuff that you’ve been taught for xx years that’s […]
Most religious teachings have twisted the truth and presented a skewed perception of God. Such perceptions as God is a man, you need to worship and praise him, and he’s […]
It is somewhat of a misnomer to say that education is the key to life. However, it is true in a sense. Most people think that this phrase only has […]
You have to be properly educated about life and how to use your mind to create change and a more blessed and fulfilling life. You have to let go of […]
Here’s the deal, we lack all of the knowledge that we need to be achieve a happier, more blessed, and more fulfilling life. Believe it or not, we’ve been miseducated […]
Houston we’ve got a problem. We are living a half-full life at best, even though it is humanly possible to achieve a fulfilling life of happiness, joy, peace, good health, […]
Do you believe that you have the potential to achieve anything you put your mind to and heart in i.e. truly desire and believe? Don’t say YES if you don’t […]
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