There are certain priorities in life that take precedence over everything else. Some people have their priorities out of order. Some people put acquiring money and/or academic degrees first, some […]
Life is about “God”, nothing more, nothing less. Everything else in life is relative. It’s not about people…you, me, Jesus, Mohammad, Buddha, Moses, Bush, Obama or anyone else. It’s not […]
Faith is the key to an abundantly blessed and fulfilling life. It is more valuable than any amount of money and any material possession. The man or woman who possesses it […]
You are the co-creator in your life. The creator in you is creating 24 hours a day 7 days a week. What ever results that you have achieved, emotionally, physically, […]
Jesus could walk on water, heal the sick, turn water to wine, give the blind sight, make the lame walk; the deaf hear and raise the dead. Therefore, do you […]
IT’S POSSIBLE…we human beings have a mind that has the ability/potential to think the thoughts and believe the beliefs that will cause our subconscious mind, aka soul, aka potential energy, […]
Hope this doesn’t scare you. I know it’s going against the worlds teachings, but, don’t worry it is harmless. It’s the stuff that you’ve been taught for xx years that’s […]
Faith is all that matters. Conversely, it isn’t matter, but causes mind over matter i.e. prayers to be answered.
In Christianity the Trinity is said to be the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. However, in Spirituality (spiritual reality) it is the mind, spirit and soul.
The world has perpetrated beliefs of contentment, and limitations when it comes to what is possible for you to achieve in your life (i.e. human potential and abundant holistic success). […]