What Spiritual Role Did Jesus, Son of God, Embody
Author: Greg Tharpe
The world was out of tune with God; it had shifted into a negative energy phase or lower vibration frequency. The low energy caused darkness which caused lacked of spiritual enlightenment and truth. This caused the human souls that inhabited the earth to be weak and vulnerable to the power of the ego or spiritual enemy of love, joy, health and happiness. Therefore, God sent Jesus, the Son of God, to spiritually enlighten humanity.
Due to their spiritual weakness the souls had been contaminated with erroneous worldly programming causing them to physically suffer from evil, hopelessness, lack of faith, contentment and many other illnesses and diseases. Therefore, people were powerless and defenseless because of their lack of spiritual understanding or faith.
“For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.” [1 John 3:8 KJV]

The role and purpose of Jesus, the Son of God, was to overcome the challenges that were presented so that God could speak through him and exemplify his wisdom and power in human form. Jesus’, the Son of God, mission was to destroy the works of man’s spiritual enemy, the ego (aka Devil). It was to show man the way to save himself from the detrimental affect of the lower level of understanding of God, self and life.
Through his teaching, Jesus, the Son of God, spiritually enlightened the human souls by increasing their faith so the Holy Spirit could give them the understanding of the kingdom of God within them. Jesus, the Son of God, exemplified the spiritual truth and power of God within by facilitating a paradigm shift that caused the sick and disease to be healed, the dead to rise, the blind to see, the deaf to hear, the lame walk and the mute talk.
Contrary to religious belief, Jesus, the Son of God, did not come to save man, but to show man the way to God or higher spiritual enlightenment so man could save himself. Neither did he come to heal man, but to show him how his faith in God would cause increased energy flow and activate self-healing. Jesus, the Son of God, showed man that he had a choice and free will to follow the guidance and teaching of the world and suffer life’s consequences or follow the teachings of the spiritual truth and be free and saved from negative karma.
Therefore, Jesus, the Son of God, came to facilitate a spiritual transformation that would increase the vibration frequency of the world, so the Holy Spirit would provide the wisdom and power to free believers from the limitations and negative affect of form based beliefs. His appearance on earth, words of wisdom and display of power were the missing links that were required to give man the faith to bridge the gap that separated man from God and power and authority over his personal spiritual enemy, the ego.
The wisdom, teachings and healing of Jesus, the Son of God, is actually God expressing Himself through Jesus and the human souls that were healed. Through his ministry, death and resurrection, Jesus, the Son of God, brought the world physical proof that would give man the faith to heal and save himself. He laid the foundation for creating life “On earth as it is in Heaven” as stated in the Lord’s Prayer.
Jesus said, “I am in my Father, and you are in me, and I am in you.” [John 14:20 NIV]
Therefore, you have the God and Jesus, the Son of God, power in you to defeat your personal enemy or ego that is blocking your holistic success and abundant life.
The question is: Do you believe you have this God given divine power?