Are You Aware of the Trick of the Ego
Author: Greg Tharpe
The biblical story of sin in the Garden of Eden is depicted as if God did not want man to be like God or possess the wisdom or knowledge of good and evil. Therefore, he instructed man not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. As the story goes, Adam and Eve disobeyed, ate the apple and became God like. Therefore, God cursed them and detached himself from them for sinning. Now, every human being would have to pay for this sin by being sentenced to life in Hell. However, this is far from the truth and only serves to dis-empower Christians or believers in the bible.
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. [Psalms 82:6]

God made man and woman and placed them in the Garden of Eden or Heaven on Earth. He named the man Adam and the woman Eve. They were to live their entire life in Heaven in a mansion, rent free. They were given God’s personal phone number with direct 24/7 access to call for anything they wanted, be it peace, joy, happiness, health, longevity, money, cars, planes, yachts, gold, diamonds, pearls, etc. What an amazing life!
However, there were some stipulations that were placed on them in order to live in Heaven. If they didn’t abide by the covenant, they would be evicted, their personal phone line to God would be cut off and all that was given to them would be repossessed. They would be downgraded and stripped of their wisdom and power to live as mere human beings rather than spiritual beings or gods. They would have to work for a living and live in the hood scuffling to make ends meet for the rest of their life.
Adam and Eve were vegetarians; therefore God provided them plenty of fruit trees and vegetables in the garden for them to eat in order to stay healthy. However, they were told to only eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They were instructed, “Do not eat from any other tree in the garden.” However, the other trees were full of beautiful apples and other fruits which looked tasty, tempting and delicious.
Now, the Ego, which was their lower or human consciousness, was slick and it wanted to have power and control of the mind of Adam and Eve, so he could rule their world and turn their Heaven into Hell. The Ego knew that God gave them free will, therefore he knew if he could deceive them and keep them from eating from the tree of Knowledge of good and evil, he would be able to take over their minds and have them as his servants to help to destroy the world while in the process of destroying themselves.
Satan targeted Eve first and deceived her, therefore, she disobeyed God and chose to eat the apple; Adam knew better, but he was henpecked and did whatever Eve ordered him to do, so he also ate. At that time, God kicked them out of Heaven or the Garden of Eve and then stress and unhappiness came upon them. The Ego’s plan worked and now the whole world is under the curse, control, power and authority of the dictatorship of Satan. The Ego’s control of the mind is the cause of crime, violence, hatred, discrimination, sickness, disease, stress, poverty, homelessness, tornadoes, hurricanes, earth quakes, droughts, flooding and destruction throughout the world.
The Bible gives us a clue when it says that, “Satan deceives the whole world” [Revelations 12:9]. We believe the lie and resist the truth. We believe religious dogma, political deception, medical drug dependency and media propaganda in lieu of spiritual truth. Satan or our dominant human consciousness has taken spirituality out of humanity and we are suffering the consequences. As the bible says, “the wages of sin is death.”
Adam and Eve were put in Heaven on earth and given free will. They chose to listen to their ego, instead of their authentic spiritual conscious or God. When they disobeyed God, it lowered them to the human consciousness and separated them from divine spirit. Therefore, they were no longer in the Christ consciousness that created Heaven in their life. As a result, they destroyed their life and the life of humanity for thousands of years, even to this day.
Man will always be in bondage and his worship of Jesus will only go in vain, until he rises up from this lower and destructive level of consciousness awakens to the deception and realization that the Kingdom of God is in him. The religious teachings of life will always keep him separated from God and powerless to the tricks, traps and negativity of the world, for he is cutoff from his wisdom to discernment. To be free, man must realize he has power and authority over Satan (i.e. his ego).
Those souls who are awakening and seeking higher truth will experience a glorious life on earth filled with peace, joy, happiness, prosperity, good health and longevity. They were not deceived, rebuked their ego and ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and became like God, the father.
The moral of the story is that God is in you for the purpose of assisting you in co-creating your most abundantly blessed and fulfilling life and the only thing that is stopping you is your serpent or ego.