Did Jesus Die for Our Sins or Freedom
Author: Greg Tharpe
The Christian belief is that “Jesus died for our sins” to save humanity from burning in hell. However, this is a misconception of the true meaning of the death of Jesus. The truth in the biblical account is that Jesus died to save man from the detrimental effects of the erroneous teachings of the Jewish laws and religion of that time. However, in modern translation Jesus died to liberate everyone from the worldly or ego based mindset that separates man from God or faith in his personal power and authority over the physical, emotional and financial negativity of life.
“For Christ also suffered once for sins, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God. He was put to death in the body but made alive in the Spirit.” [1 Peter 3:18]
Sin was depicted as disobedience to God in the story of Adam and Eve written by Moses. Adam and Eve were living in the Garden of Eve or Heaven on Earth. Their divine spirit or God in them told Eve not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. However, one day, Eve’s ego got the best of her and enticed her to direct Adam to eat the forbidden fruit.
First of all, the word “sin” has been inaccurately defined. It has been given an ego-based or human definition which is not based on higher wisdom. In truth, the word sin means any thoughts and beliefs that keep you separated from the feelings of peace, joy, happiness, love and God. However, the world’s definition is solely based on human actions which are perceived as wrong. This shallow human perception prevents one’s mind from rising to the level of enlightenment and truth which is part of one’s authentic divine nature.
The serpent which represents the Ego or the World deceived man not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He did not want man to be wise and realize the truth that the Kingdom of God (wisdom and power) is within him, and he would be like God with power and authority over negativity.
Therefore, Jesus died to free people from the erroneous teachings, laws and religious views of the Jewish government at that time and about God, self and life itself. These teachings were holding the people in spiritual bondage and keeping them from understanding the truth about their divine potential. Therefore, based on the laws of mind, the consequence of spiritual ignorance is a life with limited peace, joy and happiness.
In this day and age, the death of Jesus contains a symbolic story of the personal sacrifice that you must make to overcome your ego or mental programming and conditioning of the world to re-unite with your divine spirit or Christ consciousness.
Therefore, it is not until you die of your ego and resurrect or be born again of your true spiritual identity that you will take on the mind of God and experience the fullness of a happy, joyous, peaceful and abundantly blessed life which are the fruits of spiritual enlightenment.
The biblical story and teachings of Jesus is for the purpose of removing the sin, ego and erroneous thoughts and beliefs that are restricting the flow of peace, joy, happiness and love into your life. However, when you are not able to discern the truth, you are powerless to the deception of the world and your ego.
When you are open to the spiritual perception, it frees you from the bondage of deception that restricts of the Holy Spirit or God from providing you the wisdom and power necessary to live a life of freedom.
Sit with this message for a while to see how it feels to you. If you feel liberated, count it as truth and enjoy your renewed wisdom and spirit of discernment.