Believe it or not, the world system has put shackles and limits on our minds. It has only taught us what it wants us to know for its own self-serving […]
They faithfully meditated morning, noon and night seeking clarity, guidance and direction from the spirit of God within them. As time passed, they began to get more in tune and […]
We live in a world where everyone has been given the divine right and the potential to be blessed abundantly with freedom, happiness, health/longevity and prosperity. But, it isn’t happening […]
Your perspective is your subconscious thoughts and beliefs about everything in life. This causes your attitude, which causes your choices, which causes your actions/behaviors, which ultimately causes your results, in […]
They were madly in love and decided that they wanted to spend the rest of their life together, so, they got married and started a family and were seemingly happy. […]
Houston we’ve got a problem. Even though it is humanly possible to achieve a fulfilling life of happiness, joy, peace, good health, and wealth, we are living half-full lives at […]
There are two perceptions of reality: a literal perception, and a spiritual perception. When you have a literal perception of reality you aren’t seeing the big picture. You haven’t gathered […]
She was young, beautiful and vivacious with big dreams and hopes of becoming a star on Broadway. However, the enemy knew her weakness, crept into her mind and snatched the […]
The world is full of problems collectively and individually; we all experience them, no one is exempt. However, ninety percent of the root causes and sources of all problems in […]
Holistic Education is the key element that causes success or failure in one’s life. A person’s happiness and success will only raise to the level of her/his education whether attained […]