There is only one way to have a better life. That is, to become a better thinker; to think better thoughts. When your thoughts become better, your attitude becomes better, […]
Faith is all that matters. Conversely, it isn’t matter, but causes mind over matter i.e. prayers to be answered.
DESIRE doesn’t allow you to fail; it inspires you to keep GROWING until you succeed. It never lets you give up. Failure is not even an option. Desire is a […]
In Christianity the Trinity is said to be the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. However, in Spirituality (spiritual reality) it is the mind, spirit and soul.
“There comes a time in the evolution of every spiritual being, along that sometimes dark road that leads to enlightenment, when their inner yearnings, struggles, and frustrations bring them to […]
The world has perpetrated beliefs of contentment, and limitations when it comes to what is possible for you to achieve in your life (i.e. human potential and abundant holistic success). […]
In reality everyone’s life is a business that requires proper attention and management to be successful. Perhaps the main reason why people’s lives are not prospering and thriving is because […]
A great analogy of life is the cliché, “you reap what you sow.” A lot of people only look at this from the perspective that when you do something that […]
There is a false perception of reality that the state of the economy dictates the financial state of an individual. However, in spiritual reality and truth, everyone has their own […]
Most religious teachings have twisted the truth and presented a skewed perception of God. Such perceptions as God is a man, you need to worship and praise him, and he’s […]