What is Gods Dream for You
Author: Greg Tharpe
She was young, beautiful and vivacious with big dreams and hopes of becoming a star on Broadway. However, the enemy knew her weakness, crept into her mind and snatched the dream away. She was broken and defeated and too weak to fight for her dream, therefore, she settled for a life of mediocrity to eradicate the pain of defeat.
Many people had a dream when they were a child; it could range from being an actress, lawyer, doctor, singer, athlete, business owner or Broadway star, although not many people ever live their childhood dream. Through the trials and tribulations of life the majority lost hope and gave up. They settled for living a life that is or was not what they dreamed of.
“Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.” [ Luke 22:42]
However, some people are living the dream that they visualized for their life. They did the necessary actions to do what they always wanted to do in life. Now that they are living the dream, the question is are they happy and fulfilled? They have created the life they want to live and sometimes they are making the money that they dreamed of making, but often times there is still some emptiness.
You would wonder how can a woman or man that is living their dream not be totally happy and fulfilled? The reason being is that the person never asked God what is it that he wants him to do. He was only concerned what he wanted for her/himself. Therefore, the emptiness is caused by her/his weak relationship with God or his spiritual understanding of his heart and soul.
Realize that life is not about the physical you or who you think you are, but it is about your spiritual understanding/connection to God. When you make your life about yourself, it causes separation or resistance to the spirit of joy and fulfillment.
Therefore, regardless of how much wealth, your academic achievements, professional achievements or material possessions, if your dream is not in harmony with God’s will or calling for your life, you will never live your true dream. In other words, the dream you are living is not God’s will for you, but your dream for yourself. If God or spirituality is not in it – it is not going to be emotionally prosperous even though it may be financially prosperous.
Instead of having a dream based on your will, try asking the question, “God, what is your will for my life?” Relinquish your Ego and come to terms with the truth that God knows what is best for you better than you know what is best for yourself. Trust that what God wants for you is more rewarding than what you want for yourself.
Ask the questions, “how can I serve, how can I help?” The more people you serve and help, the greater the joy you will get from it regardless of what you are called to do. If what you are called to do evolves into a business that is okay, money is a part of life and you need it to live. If you get wealthy, that’s okay too. There are many philanthropic opportunities or charities to invest in that help other people grow and thrive in life as well. You can be the catalyst for their success.
Now think about how it would feel being in a state of joy all the time. Don’t try to think up what your calling is, thinking puts your mind in it and restricts the flow of the Holy Spirit from revealing it. If you do too much thinking, your Ego will trick you into buying into something that is not from your heart but appears to be.
The more you seek within through quietness, meditation and day dreaming, the more the Holy Spirit will provide for you and ultimately the answer to what God’s “dream” is for you.