Three Keys to Eliminating Emptiness
Author: Greg Tharpe
They had a great relationship, a beautiful family, great jobs, a beautiful home, two nice cars and nice clothes, plus they went on exotic vacations. Their kids were intelligent and well behaved. They were members of the local church and attended every Sunday and Wednesday night for Bible study. On the surface, it appeared that they were living a dream life. However, deep down in their souls, each was feeling some emptiness that haunted them. They truly wanted to fill this emptiness, but their beliefs were religious and not spiritual, therefore, their faith did not allow them to go within to discover the solution.
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” [Romans 12:2]
There are many people in the world living life under the same scenario and many more living under one much worse. Unknowingly, they are stuck in their own self-imposed limitations. They do not know the way out, so they do not have any hope in the life of truth and freedom that Jesus spoke about in the Bible. Deep down in their souls they have an emptiness that is yearning to be fulfilled. They want a renewed, transformed and fulfilling life so badly, but they are stuck in a human or religious mindset which blocks their wisdom of how to make it happen.
Following are three key elements that can help you renew your mind and cause the transformation needed to help you fulfill your emptiness and experience total happiness:
The world is bombarded with verbal, visual and print information about this that and the other. There is information in the different types of media such as television, radio, books, newspapers, magazines, internet, schools, religions and organizations. Much of this information is not fulfilling and is not intended to nourish your soul; it is world based and is solely for the purpose of getting your attention to sell you some product, service or belief that can supposedly make your life better. Therefore, it is highly important for you to be aware of this so that you choose to align with the right life enriching practical and spiritual information as part of your diet.
The Key: Read inspirational books such as The Godsend – How to Create Heaven in Your Life, Christ Returns, The New Testament, The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, Effortless Prosperity and Letting Go, etc.
Get into an environment that feels good to your soul. One that is thriving and prospering. One that is surrounded by beauty and nature. One where the energy is positive. If a person lives in an environment where the energy is negative, they should set their intention to leave that environment because it may have a negative effect on them. Surround yourself with beautiful plants, flowers, paintings, books, music and magazines that are vibrating at high energy levels. The right environment is very important to your growth. When you go out into the world, the negativity may unconsciously lower your energy; therefore, have the energy in your home vibrating at high levels where it uplifts you when you enter it. The right environment is important for the growth, expansion and evolution of your soul.
The Key: Get rid of all negative energy! Literally cleanse and clear all of the clutter in your home and spiritually in your subconscious that is blocking or restricting your spiritual flow.
Connect and network with spiritual, business and success minded people. There is an old saying, “be careful about the company you keep.” If you associate with people who are not into self-improvement, spiritual growth and have no hopes or dreams of enhancing they life, chances are you will become infected by their mindset. However, if you associate with people who are spiritually growing and evolved entrepreneurs and prosperous, chances are you will align in harmony with their mindset. There is a law of association that says, “you will become the average of the five people you associate with the most.” Therefore, associate with beautiful spiritually aware people who are aspiring to grow and prosper to the fullest in every area of their life. If you want to fulfill your greatness, find a way to associate with great people.
The Key: Join a great organization of people or master mind groups that lift you up, such as Collaborative Power Now International or Global Higher Consciousness Movement.
When you combine these key essential elements, the right information, the right environment and the right associations, along with meditation, it will cause transformation and your mindset will shift in the flow of abundance and remove any emptiness you are experiencing.