The Spiritual State of the Economy Address – Be In the Economy but Not of It
Author: Greg Tharpe
There is a false perception of reality that the state of the economy dictates the financial state of an individual. However, in spiritual reality and truth, everyone has their own personal economy within the economy.
Just because the media says that the economy is bad does not mean that applies to one’s personal financial state. It is a fact that some people’s economy is always bad, even when the world’s economy is considered good. For example if you are out of work or not making a decent salary your economy is bad. Throughout all economic ups and downs there have always been people that struggled and prospered regardless, and there always will be.
Within each individual’s mind one has created their own economy which produces the likeness of its kind based on one’s financial beliefs. Therefore, in truth, your economy is not something outside of you or outside of your control like you may have been led to believe. Your economy lies within you and is produced by your beliefs about money. Based on those beliefs your inner power has created the current state of your economy; whether it’s thriving and prosperous, mediocre or a bad.
Believe it or not, you have the power within you to create a prosperous and thriving economy regardless of the economic troubles that the world is experiencing. However, accomplishing this will require changes in the way you have been taught to think and believe about money; but if you can trust God, it’s possible.
The people with the prosperous mindset realize that the prosperity is not based on the outer world’s economy; they realize that it is the byproduct of their inner power and beliefs in prosperity and abundance. These are the people that will always be prosperous regardless of the unemployment rate, inflation and other factors of a bad economy.
Therefore, you will be more prosperous if you can make this paradigm shift to prosperity and come to the truth that you have your own economy and control your own financial fate and destiny by your beliefs in God, abundance and money. This abundance perception will cause you to manifest prosperity in your life while the people that are caught up in the world’s perception of the economy are experiencing lack and limits.
If your belief about God, yourself, the Universe and money is abundance, it shall be granted to you in accordance with your beliefs. However, if you look at the economy from the world’s perspective as something outside of you and is dictated by others, chances are that your life will feel the effects of the “bad economy”.