Is This Blasphemy or Truth
Author: Greg Tharpe
The Pharisees and Sadducees were not spiritual people although they were highly religious. Their government and laws were not set up based on liberty, empowerment and opportunity for prosperity for all which kept the citizens in bondage, fear and ignorant of their true divine identity. Therefore, the spiritual teaching of Jesus infuriated them and they denounced him for calling himself the son of God. Furthermore, they denounced him for revealing spiritual secrets such as, “the Kingdom of God is within you.” [Luke 17:21]
Jesus answered them, “Is it not written in your Law, ‘I have said you are ‘gods’”? [John 10:34]

Much of the religious views of that day and time over two thousand years ago are still prevalent today. The person with a carnal or religious mind will call this blasphemy to identify yourself as a god; however, the spiritually enlightened souls will agree with this truth. Many religious people to this day will look at you in dismay and call it blasphemy because they resist the teachings of the Holy Spirit and lean on man’s understanding.
Much of the world is still stuck in 3rd dimensional beliefs and refuse to leave because of fear of their ego-based ideology of God sending them to hell or allowing something bad to happen to them. If your present religious views are those of the Pharisees and Sadducees, then you are probably in agreement that calling yourself god is blasphemy.
That is just an indication that you do not know or agree with your spiritual identity. You do not claim your divine power that has been bestowed upon you by father God. Therefore, you probably only see yourself with your human eyes rather than your spiritual eyes and identify yourself with the physical body and being human. In other words, you have unconsciously lowered yourself or faith down to the level of human misunderstanding with disregard to spiritual truth.
Perhaps you have been conditioned and programmed by your religion that you are not a god. If this is the case, you are missing out on being free and blessed beyond your wildest imagination. Not claiming your true identity puts resistance between you and God and restricts your wisdom and power; which, in-turn leads to you creating a less than fulfilling life that God did not plan for you. With restricted wisdom, you are unconscious that you are blocking the divine guidance and direction to create the abundance you are here to create.
When you can accept the fact that you are connected to God, therefore you are connected divine love, peace, joy, happiness, healing and abundance, you will reclaim your identity and realize the truth of your being. You are in essence claiming that you are a god or child of God. In other words, you are allowing the indwelling Holy Spirit to flow unrestricted and do what it does with ease and grace.
Denying this truth dis-empowers you of your full potential to allow the Holy Spirit to work fully in you through you and for you. In other words, God has much more love, peace, joy and happiness for you to experience in this life time. It is already placed within you, but cannot be released to you until you claim your identity as a god and child of God. You were born and sent to this planet to awaken, realize, win and succeed and that is the reason the spirit of God is in you.
When you release your resistance to this truth, you are guaranteed victory over your restrictions or ego. Your perception of reality will change and you will begin to create God’s beautiful will for your life with ease and grace. Because you will have realized that you are a powerful being who is directly connected to God and his power, wisdom, creativity and genius.
When you know yourself as a god you create love, peace, joy, prosperity, healing and abundance. When you do not identify with your God-self, you live in lack, limitation, fear and under power and control of the forces outside of you influencing you to make choices and decisions that are not in the will of God and not serving your highest good and most abundantly blessed life.
The truth is that God is in you, therefore you are a god. “So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” [Genesis 1:27]
You have creative power within you; however, when you don’t identify with yourself from this perspective it separates from the truth and your power works against you rather than serve your highest good.
I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High. [Psalms 82:6]
It is time for all of us who have sold out our identity to come out of the closet and own up to who we really are. We need to be our true self to help bring the new awareness into the light of spiritual awakening and the new and better world into manifestation.
So change your perception or image in alignment with the truth and know that ye are a god and child of God. In other words, know that God loves you and is in you to flow through you to create for you the super blessed and beautiful life you are here to experience.