Christian Sprituality Breakthrough


  Lack of Faith Will Cause More Insecurity, Turbulence and Danger

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Author: Greg Tharpe

According to The Spiritual Research Center "The average person is only at the 20% spiritual level and 80% of the problems we encounter in life are because of lack of spiritual growth and faith."  


The World Is in a Negative State 


The world is in the midst of some changing and trying times. The rise of untimely deaths, hopelessness, emptiness, illness, marital strife, divorce, depression, disease, drug addiction, financial woes, unemployment, debt, accidents, terrorism and natural disasters i.e. earthquakes floods, hurricanes and tornadoes, etc. are signs of the times. 


"The current global economic meltdown comes from a lack of spirituality among people. Lack of spirituality and culture is the main cause behind the rampant corruption in the world. People have become selfish and materialistic, which has led to the economic slowdown," says The Dalai Lama. 


It Is Getting Worse 


According to Precipice Magazine, "There is little doubt the world is spiraling down; that it is a more evil place than when we were growing up, that the state of the world seems to be getting worse." 


"Our scientific materialism, our excessive rationalism, and the capitalist economic system, and on the other hand our traditional religious belief systems and the established churches have all let us down in such obvious and grievous ways," says Spiritual Solutions Research. 


People Trust the System More Than God 


Unfortunately, people are relying more and more on the government, i.e. Democrats or Republicans, their religion, the education system, or prescription or illegal drugs to solve or prevent problems. However, contrary to popular belief the solution cannot be found in the world's system. At best only a temporary fix can be found; the problems continue to recur. 


The Spiritual Science Research Foundation has identified that, "A number of common everyday problems that we have, have a high likelihood of their root cause being in the spiritual realm." 


People Are Becoming More and More Confused 


"More than ever before, people are just making up their own stories of who they are. They say, 'I'm everything. I'm nothing. I believe in myself,'" says Barry Kosmin, survey co-author of the American Religious Identification Survey (ARIS) Study. 


The Problem: The World's System Is Secretly Working Against You 


Ancient wisdom in the Bible, Hosea 4:6 (KJV) says, "My people perish from a lack of knowledge." As we know, education is the key to life. But, the true spiritual knowledge about how to access divine help to prevent and eliminate ones problems are missing from the education system and the various religious interpretations of the truth. Therefore, the consequences of our ignorance are the struggle with life, i.e. emotionally, physically, financially and environmentally. 


Believe it or not, the world's education system has put shackles and limits on our minds. It has only taught us what it wants us to know for the self-serving economic reasons of the elite. The Bible gives us a clue in 1 Timothy 6:10 when it says, "The love of money is the root of all evil." It has intentionally programmed and conditioned us to think inside the box and to be dependent on the world for our welfare. 


Mass Deception and Control 


Here's the deal, we have been deceived about the truth without knowing we've been deceived. Revelations 12:9 says, "Satan deceives the whole world." 


Therefore, we lack all the spiritual knowledge we need to understand our divine inner higher power enough to have total faith in it for happiness, health and wealth. We have been mis-educated by the system and that is the root cause of all our problems. It's causing our relationship issues, debt, illness, crime, violence and other problems. 


However, in reality our problems are not a feeling of emptiness, lack of money, poor health, and non-harmonious relationships, etc. Those are the symptoms. The problem is spiritual ignorance, which causes lack of faith, which causes the negativity in your life and in the world. 


The World Does Not Want You to Know the Truth 


Why? Because it would free you from the bondage of the shallow, narrow and limiting thinking and beliefs of the world and throw a monkey wrench in the economic system set up for the elite. 


The system is not built upon spiritual truth principles and values. Therefore, there is no agenda in the education system, religions or media for spiritual growth and enlightenment. In other words, unless you make the effort to find out the spiritual truth about God, the universe and life yourself, the religions and the government do not have the motive to make it part of the system. 


Most Are Confused, Unhappy, Dissatisfied and in Denial 


Even though we have access to education and information from schools, religious teachings/sermons, the media, self-help seminars, books, magazines, newspapers, we continue to be confused, unhappy, dissatisfied, and have a void in our lives. All because we have not been properly educated and taught the whole truth about God and life from a spiritual perspective. 


Therefore, this lack of knowledge or spiritual ignorance leads to lack of faith, which is the root cause of the avoidable feelings of emptiness, unhappiness, accidents, illnesses, relationship problems, crime, violence and environmental problems we are experiencing. 


The Good News: Now You Can Know the Truth and Be Free 


Over 2000 years ago Jesus brought this paradigm shift to the forefront of the world's consciousness to liberate the people from the bondage of the Pharisees. But unfortunately it has been twisted and taught in a way that is financially beneficial to the elite but causes problems in the world. 


However, we are entering into the age of enlightenment. John 8:32 (New King James Version) says, "And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." 


Also, the Bible states in Matthew 17:20, "If ye have faith as a grain of mustard seed... nothing shall be impossible unto you." Therefore, with enough faith it is possible to eliminate your problems, prevent bad things from happening to you and create an abundantly blessed and fulfilling life. 


Some People Are Awakening and Ready for a Transformation - Are You? 


Spiritual Statistics say: "People inside the church and outside the church say that something is broken in the present day expression of religion." 


In John 4:23 (New King James Version) it says, "But the hour is coming, and it is now, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth; for the Father is seeking such to worship Him." 


Fortunately, we are now in an enlightened period of time where the knowledge of the spiritual truth pertaining to holistic success and human potential is being presented in layman's terms for applying to your life for the protection, security, peace, joy and happiness that is God's will for you. 


According to Charles Lewis, spiritual researcher and author, "It seems to be a spiritually revolutionary time for outgrowing ignorant ideologies, and growing into a more enlightened way of understanding our lives. Everything indicates that ours is a time of inner awakening, with great outer and historical repercussions." 


It is a blessing for me to share this article with you and my hope is that it blesses you. Please take 10 seconds to opt-in to my Newsletter so we can form a spiritual friendship and I can provide you more inspirational messages as they flow through me. Spiritual Truth is here now...thank you!  Greg Tharpe -


Author Greg Tharpe offers multiple avenues to achieve Spiritual Enlightenment and Life Wisdom including Online Seminars, Personalized Coaching, Live Events and Keynote Speaking. 

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