Are You Worshiping in Spiritual Truth or Religious Beliefs
Author: Greg Tharpe
Are you worshiping God based on spirit and truth or are you worshiping based on religion and beliefs? Without realizing it, many people are worshiping God based on religious beliefs. Societal programming and conditioning has unconsciously led them to rebuke spiritual understanding and discernment of their religious doctrine for spiritual truth.
Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshipers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshipers the Father seeks. [ John 4:23 NIV]

Stevie Wonder gave us a clue in the song Superstition when he said, “when you believe in something you don’t understand, you will suffer; superstition ain’t the way.” The spirit of man or the system anchored in money, power, control, deception and misinterpretation is among all religions and the reason why people are unconsciously kept in religious bondage.
Most people’s religious theory is that their doctrine is the word of God. They say, “God said it, and I believe it.” Therefore, because of their resistance to spiritual understanding and growth, they do not realize that the scriptures are the word of man. They do not realize that the word of God only comes from the Holy Spirit within you.
The word of man comes from the writings, teachings and preaching’s outside of you; the word of God comes from your heart, the Holy Spirit within you. Everything wrote or spoken by man must be validated and/or discerned by the Holy Spirit for truth. Therefore, until the scripture is validated by the Holy Spirit operating within you, it is to be considered the word of man because man wrote it.
However, when you ask for validation and/or spiritual understanding you will receive the answer and will be able to discern the word of God from the word of man if need be. In other words, the word of God is often the interpretation of what is literally said or written to what it spiritually means.
Regardless of what religious book it comes from, it is not to be considered truth until it is validated by the Holy Spirit. Most people are not operating by this standard; therefore, they are worshiping in religious beliefs. Not knowing that beliefs that are not based on spiritual truth restrict the flow the spirit of discernment and higher wisdom and blessings.
When you are worshiping God based on the word of man and from a religious temporal perspective, you are causing resistance to the Holy Spirit blessing you to your full potential. In other words, you are blocking the Holy Spirit from intuitively guiding and directing you to the bigger blessings your heart desires.
Spiritual truth is not based on human assumption. It is based on energy or spirit and scientific fact of the workings of the Universe (you) and the body, mind, soul and spirit. It is not derived from religious beliefs and not based on the fear of, “if you don’t believe it, you are going to Hell or are going to be punished by God.”
We are now in the fourth dimension of spiritual awakening where we are more aware of the deception of the world and how God works relating to the mind. Third dimensional or religious interpretations are losing its stronghold, some awakening souls are transitioning to a renewed mindset therefore seeking more spiritual understanding.
However, a vast majority of the world still chooses to remain captive in religious bondage beliefs and is not here to transition at this time. They will resist the truth and continue to worship their religion. Even though the Bible tells them that, “and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.” They are afraid of the spirit God, but trust the spirit of man.
Are you an awakened soul? Are you here to transition into your spirituality? Is your soul yearning to be free? Has your time come to worship in spirit and truth? If the answer is yes, question your religious doctrine and what your minister and the world are telling you. Trust the Holy Spirit inside you and you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free.