Spiritual Sin in Everyday Life
Author: Greg Tharpe
Is there a difference between religious sin and spiritual sin in everyday life? Or, are both the same, where spiritual sin encompasses both in true reality and through the manipulation of ego? You may be committing spiritual sin in everyday life that you are not consciously aware of. Will your personality and religious beliefs allow you to open your mind to the likelihood of a deeper understanding of religious sin based upon spiritual sin awareness?
In the book of Genesis, Moses wrote that in the Garden of Eden, God told Adam not to eat from the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. However, the serpent (Lucifer, Satan, The Devil or Ego) came on the scene and tempted or deceived Eve, who ate the apple and gave it to Adam which he also ate. Their disobedience to God caused sin to enter into the world. Therefore, according to the Bible, all humans are born into or inherited the sinful nature or mind of Satan.
“For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; “ [Romans 3:23]
The Bible describes sin as the breaking or transgression of God’s law. It is also defined as disobedience or rebellion against God, as well as independence or separation from God. Based on the world and some religious teachings, sin is regarded as acts of wrong doing such as lying, stealing, cheating, killing, hating, fornication and adultery, etc. Many Christians believe if you are a sinner and are not “saved” that you are going to burn in Hell when you die.
However, in spiritual reality and truth, spiritual sin is deeper than the world’s limited perception. Spiritual sin is negative energy or thoughts and beliefs that keep you separated from love, peace, joy, happiness, freedom, health, abundance and bliss. It is the prime cause of what is keeping people from experiencing a fulfilling life or Heaven on Earth.
Therefore, any negative, shallow or limited, Ego-based thoughts and beliefs about others or your God potential and his desire for you could be construed as a spiritual sin.
For Example:
- If you do not wish others the very best in life, that is a spiritual sin and the consequences are you not having the very best in life.
- If you do not believe that it is God’s will for you to be healthy and fit, that is a spiritual sin and the consequence is poor health.
- If you do not believe that it is God’s will for you to be prosperous and abundantly blessed, that is a spiritual sin and the consequences are lack and debt.
- If you do not believe that God’s supernatural healing power is in you, that is a spiritual sin and the consequence is not overcoming potential health challenges.
- If you do not believe that God’s peace is in you, that is a spiritual sin and the consequences is stress.
- If you do not believe that it is God’s will for you to experience Heaven on Earth, that is a spiritual sin and the consequence is a less than fulfilling life.
- If you do not believe that God is in you to bless you abundantly in all areas of your life, that is a spiritual sin and the consequences are lack and limited blessings.
Based on the law of cause and effect, your spiritual sins or lower vibration thoughts and beliefs are guaranteed to produce negative results. However, when you choose higher vibration thoughts and beliefs in alignment with truth or God, it increases your spiritual energy which increases your blessings.