Spiritual Psychology – Mass Control and Core Influence
Author: Greg Tharpe
The ‘Powers to be’ were masters of psychology and deception. Their mental programming and conditioning tactics had cast a spell on the people brainwashing them to accept the role of playing servants and dependent on them for their welfare and well-being. The people were not aware of the psychology; therefore, they accepted the roles that they were given as if they were assigned by God. Little did they know that the innate power and wisdom within them was far greater and powerful than the spirit of deception that enslaved them to believe in a mediocre, minuscule or pauper life. Their mindsets personified the saying “ignorance is bliss.”
“And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.” [Revelations 12:9 KJV]
Believe it or not, the whole world has been deceived as stated in the scripture above. However, because many souls are still stuck in the third dimension mindset, they refuse to believe this truth. They do not realize that it is their carnal mind, aka Devil and Satan that is fighting to keep them in the dark and away from enlightenment. Therefore, they rebuke change for the better. They buy whole heartedly into the system’s philosophy as being the way it is supposed to be and they will defend their beliefs with force if necessary. They are living under the influence of the lower vibration frequency of the carnal mind.
Here is a story to help you understand the power of programming the mind. In India, elephants are used for moving and lifting extremely heavy objects. On a work site when the elephants aren’t working, the handlers needed a way to restrain them. An enclosure with three-foot thick concrete walls will restrain a full-grown, nine-thousand-pound elephant, but it’s expensive and not portable.
Here’s what the handlers came up with to solve that problem. They discovered that they could program and condition the elephant while he’s still young, by imprinting self-imposed limits into his thinking and he’d restrain himself without an enclosure. Here’s how they did it: When the elephant is small, weighing less than 200 pounds, they tied him to a tree with a heavy rope, giving him about six feet of slack.
All day the elephant tugs at the rope, whines and squeals, he spins in circles and even attempts to chew it. But he can’t break free. Eventually, the elephant resigns himself to the fact that he can’t get loose; he lies down on the ground exhausted and gives up.
This belief that the rope limits him is imprinted in his brain and mind. He is now programmed to know his limits. With the program in place, the trainer can take a thinner rope and tie him to a smaller tree. When the elephant is full-grown, possessing the power of a bulldozer, a small rope tied to a wooden stake in the ground is enough to restrain him.
In reality, the elephant is capable of breaking free from the stake at any time, but in his mind, he is unaware of it, so he settles on believing that he is incapable of breaking free and doesn’t even try. The point I’m trying to make with this story is that we all have been programmed and conditioned by the world (Satan), to believe things about God and life and our potential that are not true. In other words, we have been programmed and conditioned with mental shackles that are limiting our happiness, success and/or prosperity in life.
The good news is that the masses are beginning to awaken and see the light. Many are crossing over into the fourth dimensional mindset that unleashes more of their intuition or wisdom to see beyond the deception. Their spirituality and faith are moving to the forefront of their consciousness and awareness. They are now beginning to live their life from inspiration and see the world in a different light as they discover new truth and more freedom. Are you aware of the world’s mass control and core influence? Or, are you like the elephant, programmed to know your limits and content with your life?