Is Lack of Knowledge Your Enemy
Author: Greg Tharpe
Here’s the deal, we lack all of the knowledge that we need to be achieve a happier, more blessed, and more fulfilling life. Believe it or not, we’ve been mis-educated and that is the root cause of all of our problems. It is causing our relationship, money, health problems and whatever other problems we are experiencing.
In reality, our problems are not a lack of money, poor health, and non harmonious relationships; those are the symptoms. Our problem is a lack of understanding of the root cause of the prosperity, good health, and fulfilling relationships. The people that think that they know do not really truly know, and they are giving us information that is shallow and not totally true. They may be giving us pieces of the puzzle but not the whole thing which is still leaving us puzzled.
After all of the schools, religious teachings/sermons, self help seminars, books, magazines, newspapers that we attend and read we continue to be confused, unhappy, dissatisfied, and have a void in our life. All because we have not been properly educated and taught the whole truth about life. We have gotten wrong ideas/thoughts/beliefs planted in our brain and subconscious mind, and it is difficult to remove even after you have learned the truth.
You may have learned something in the past that took hold of you and you believe it to be true, when in fact it was not true. When you finally do learn the truth, you don’t accept it, the pre-existing belief has impressed into you subconscious mind and refuses to let go. So the lesson is to be careful what you believe when you first learn it, because a pre-existing belief is almost impossible to dislodge without great effort. If a new belief conflicts with an existing one, the existing belief will almost always win out.
Your mind plays tricks on you – yep – it deceives you. It convinces you to stop trying to create change and believe in your potential to create an extraordinary life because it’s comfortable where you are right now – even if you aren’t happy.
Examine your beliefs often; they are the core of what causes your happiness, health, and wealth. If they are not producing the blessings that you desire, it is time to reevaluate them and change. If they are beliefs that do not benefit you and serve you and mankind to the highest good – let them go – consider new ideas.
Beliefs are supposed to enrich your life, not subtract from it; if they are correct and true you will flourish in all areas of your life. If they are not correct and true you will run into a lot of turbulence in your health, finances, or your relationships; causing emotional trauma, illness, and possibly death.
The bottom line is that we have not been told the whole truth about life e.g. God, Self, and the Universe. This is what is holding us back and keeping us tied to sickness, debt, lack of freedom, and unhappiness.