Killing – What is the Problem with the System
Author: Greg Tharpe
Why are police killing black men? Why did Micah Johnson kill the five police officers? Why is all of the killing going on in the world? Is there some mental illness going on that is causing all of this craziness? Do people in their right minds kill other people for any other reason other than self-defense? Why is cop-on-black crime and black-on-black crime escalating? How many black cops shoot and kill white people? How many black cops killed another black person? Is there a solution to stop people from killing one another?
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children. [Hosea 4:6 KJV]
Based on history, all of this craziness is nothing new; planet earth has always been inhabited by killers. The fact of the matter is that technology, such as cameras along with social media, are now capturing things and broadcasting them for the world to see before the law enforcement system can hide or cover up the evidence. Let’s face it, Mother Earth is covered with blood and is perhaps the murder capital of the universe as I’ve said before. It seems to be the place where murders and heartless sick people are sent to do what they do, kill people.
The bottom line is there are a lot of unconscious, sick people in the world because of the society that we live in and/or because of the genetics of their bloodline which was tainted with the sickness or sins of their ancestors from generations ago. For example, the unlawful force that many cops exhibit and the black-on-black crimes being committed all across the United States are the actions and behavior of sick individuals.
As the saying goes, “hurt people hurt other people.” People are hurting because they do not truly know love or the God in them. They do not know that they are love so they do not identify with that identity which is who they truly are. They are hurting deep down in their soul, therefore it is the cause of them lashing out to hurt others as well. People who are not hurting deeply do not hurt other people unless it is self-defense. In other words, happy people do not hurt other people.
When people have not been brought up in a loving, kind, positive environment, they tend to become a product of that environment. For example, if your family was all “good people” meaning loving, kind, respectful, always wanted to help people, and didn’t judge people by color, chances are that you would be of that mentality as well. If your family was racist, chances are you will be too or at least have that unconscious mentality. Many do not escape the stigma of their negative energy or lower consciousness environment, but by the grace of God some do.
So if that negativity is in one’s genes or part of one’s environment, it can oftentimes be attributed to one’s lower consciousness or negative actions and behaviors; as in the case of the police officers who are seemingly unjustifiably taking the lives of African Americans such as Terence Crutcher, Alton Sterling and Philando Castille. Also, in the case where Micah Johnson ambushed the police officers and took the life of five of them.
As I’ve said before in other articles, and I am saying it again, the society that we live in is actually responsible for the shootings and killings of the two black men and five police officers. It all goes back to what the bible says, “The love of money is the root of all evil” and the inadequate education system. The system has been set up to be centered on economics and accumulating wealth for the select elite billionaire families and negativity and evil is the byproduct of their greed and selfishness.
Furthermore, this society is largely dependent on the economics of crime, therefore, will not advocate prevention and education aimed at prevention because of the economic impact it will have on loss of jobs. The government would have to figure out how to spend the millions of billions they are spending on the criminal justice system on some other means of providing jobs.
The education system curriculum is centered on jobs only and does not incorporate personal development and spiritual growth wisdom to help people awaken, grow and prosper. Therefore, they have little concern for the holistic well-being and success of the people. Believe it or not, lack of inspirational, transformational education is the root cause of the problems that the world is experiencing and will continue to experience until we change. It is going to take education reform to change the world. Technology is good, but without it being used to provide the education we need, it is not serving its highest earthly good and not part of the solution.
The system is set up for the elite by the elite to get richer and to keep people in financial bondage mainly with media, education and religion as its weapons. The people are not being properly educated. The system is not built on the foundation of love and educating people about their amazing human potential and capability. Therefore, love and wisdom education are not part of the world’s curriculum because the system is designed to keep people unenlightened and in the box or bondage. It is designed for left brain academics without regards to right brain spirituality and wisdom.
When people are unconscious that their true identity is love and we are all one in the same spiritually, some tend to not value the lives of other people. Some of them who are vibrating at the lower state of consciousness will lash out and kill as if it is okay to kill you if you make them mad or disrespect them especially if they are a law enforcement officer or a gang member. These people are really hurting deep down inside and lash out to release their anger on other people. They are dominated by an egotistical and separation perception of reality rather that the spirit of love and oneness perception.
We are here in this world because we are sick souls and in need of healing. From the Pope to the President, we all have issues that are in need of some healing no matter how prestigious the title. Not all of us are sick to the point of hurting bad enough to kill someone, but we all have some issues that we are here to be healed. The problem is that we are not conscious that we have issues that need healing and since most souls in the world are unconscious and unenlightened we don’t understand spiritual healing or the process. The world advocates separation which is a form of mental illness.
Therefore, we do not seek spiritual help for what needs healing and our issues and egos cause us to act and react in ways that are not for our highest good or the good of others. Many times we do not come from a place of love in our hearts when we make choices and decisions, especially the people in the position to make people’s lives better. We do not understand our spirituality and how to release our egos and ignorance, so our intuition for the right choices, actions, and reactions can guide us by love to manifest God’s will and our highest good.
Spiritual healing is the process of doing the inner work such as prayer and meditation to become conscious and letting go of all beliefs that are holding you back. This keeps you from reaching your full potential and experiencing the abundant blessings that God has willed for you such as peace, joy, happiness, love and prosperity.
You cannot stop people from killing other people, you can’t stop dirty cops and you cannot stop young black men. As I said before, people are hurting because they do not understand who they truly are, their purpose in life or the purpose of life. They do not know their true spiritual identity, so they act in accordance with their human personality and identity, and because they have not been properly educated, that’s all they know. Their lack of spiritual knowledge or wisdom is the motivating factor to all of the crime, murder, and turbulence that we are experiencing in the United States and all over the world.
For example, many cops probably feel that their primary purpose is to make arrest, protect, or lock people up who break the law. However, that is their secondary purpose. Their primary purpose is to be a light, proactive, serve or help the people that are lost know that they have the potential in them to be great and do great things. They are to serve by uplifting, encouraging and inspiring people to believe and trust in their capability to live their dreams. To find their gift, unwrap it and give back to the world.
But, if the cop is not spiritually awakened and has not experienced a renewal or transformation from his or her human identity to their spiritual identity, she or he will never know who they are or their true primary purpose. They may be serving and protecting the way they know, but their life will never be fulfilling and the community will not grow and thrive without them being proactive. So, they are not giving back to the world they are actually taking from it.
Until we put education based on love and spirituality at the forefront of our consciousness and as our top priority, or as the foundation of which a family, community, state, country or world, we are going to neglect the spiritual guidance of a higher power or God to intuitively guide and direct our attitude and actions as we travel this challenging road called life. Ego is going to continue to bring about the same challenges.
Without God, not in a religious divisive way, but in a spiritual unifying way, we are going to continue to see what appears to be escalated crime and violence. We now see it and know about it so we can bring forth the solution towards making the United States and world a better place for all based on the teachings of love and unity, rather than separation and superiority. Education or lack of mindset and action or lack of is the cause behind what humanly goes on in the world.
A lot of people are expressing their opinions and it is good to hear people out, but we need solutions that bring about better results. Here is what I suggest as the solution to the problem that will drastically eliminate the foolishness, ignorance and shootings. Realize that in order for the solution to be healing to the souls, it has to have the spiritual element or God in it along with practical application.
Here is the Solution to Stop the Killing
- Gun Control – The President, Congress, Senate, Legislature, or whomever, have to pass laws that make it illegal for people to get automatic weapons (i.e. weapons of mass destruction) that are designed for war. Even though guns alone do not kill without the assistance of a person, the government must only make these type weapons available to the military or law enforcement. The people that have the mindset to feel the need to own these type weapons are living in deep fear and a deep fear based person is a danger to society and the life of large groups of people. It is not necessary to try to eliminate guns because they are not dangerous without dangerous people operating them.
- Judicial System Reform – If a law enforcement officer acts outside of the law during an arrest, he or she should be treated as a criminal and get the maximum sentence allowed by law. Judges and cops must be held accountable for their unlawful decisions and actions. If the agency is caught trying to cover up the crime or misconduct, all parties and persons involved will be held accountable and punished in accordance with the law. All judges must be schooled in spirituality and transformation. The prison system must incorporate spirituality and all prison inmates must attend Life Transformation classes before release.
- Police and Community Rapport and Education – City, county and state law enforcement must be inspired or in spirit and become more proactive in preventing crimes. They must be more involved in the community, crime prevention, building rapport and educating people on the laws and proper procedures to follow when pulled over by an office or approached by an officer. Must have officers visit schools, churches, businesses and events to build rapport with the community. Therefore, the education will not just be confined to the classroom curriculum, but will also be about laws and how to interact with law enforcement. Law enforcement also must be periodically tested on the law and the proper procedures to follow when approaching a suspect. School students must be educated on their rights and the rights of the law enforcement officers. Law enforcement must change their mindset of being more proactive than reactive and realize their role as a public servant. All law enforcement officers must be schooled in spirituality and transformation.
- Education Reform – The whole education system must be reformed and built around spirituality. Students must be taught the truth about who they are (their potential), and why they do what they do, along with how to find their purpose and calling as well as goal setting and achievement. They must be taught about a greater power mindset and that they are here to awaken, grow spiritually and manifest their dreams literally. Their minds has to be nourished and stimulated with practical and inner understanding of faith in a higher intelligence. The government must fund healing centers in each city in the US where people of all races and religions can come and get life coaching to assist them with getting in touch with the part of them (6th sense) that has the wisdom and power to overcome their challenges and thrive and prosper in life. Much of the money spent on prisons must be reallocated on providing FREE Life Wisdom Education for all citizens.
When these four key components of the solution are put into place, you will see much of the bloodshed subside and everyone awaken to the truth of who they are and the purpose for life which is to discover that we all are one and we all are spiritually related. Furthermore, we are all here to heal, awaken, love, dream, serve and manifest our dreams. You will see a much better world because we will not be conformed to this world, but will know the truth and be free.
However, this will not come about until the leaders of this country or any other countries get out of their egos and realize that the position that they hold is that of a public servant to assist people in getting everything they need to prosper in every area of their life. God in the form of life transformational education will always be the solution and the key.