How Do I Become Spiritually Enlightened
Author: Greg Tharpe
Spiritually enlightened is not something you become, it is who you truly are. We are all spiritually enlighten souls, however when we do not understand it, we harbor resistance to this fact. This lack of understanding blocks our light and prevents us from seeing life in the eyes of God or spirit and truth. It is because of our resistance that we have lost our true identity and are caught up in the darkness such as illusion, tricks and traps of the human perception of reality.
The unfolding of your words gives light; it gives understanding to the simple. [Psalm 119:130 NIV]

All challenges that we experience are necessary for spiritual enlightenment. We cannot awaken and grow to our enlightened state of consciousness without them. Therefore, the challenges does not happen to us, they happen for us. They are test or indicators and life’s way of getting our attention to awaken and change our perception of truth.
Some souls will ignore all warnings or indicators in this lifetime and other souls will continually resist their call to enlightenment until they are tired of going through the darkness or negative emotions associated with it.
However, a day and time will come for each of us when that something will trigger us to answer the call to awaken and seek higher understanding of truth to allow the light within to shine brightly upon the darkness. It may be for that the reason you are reading this very article at this particular time.
Enlightenment is a process and there is some work that you have to do, but once you do the work your life will become easy and relaxed. In other words, you trust God whole heartedly and give your to life him to guide and direct you to whatever is best for you. You realize that what God has willed for you is better than what you think is best you. Therefore, you fully surrender your life to seeking spiritual guidance.
As you leave the darkness and become more enlightened, you remove the veil that ego or society has put over your eyes and see a different world in a different light. You see a new and more beautiful world with everything and everyone in place for you to have a most abundantly blessed and fulfilling life.
When you are truly seeking and set your intentions or mind, heart and soul on enlightenment, it sets the Universe in motion to bring about everything you need to manifest it. The right people, information, groups and resources will be attracted to assist you in coming out of the darkness into enlightenment.
There are 3 keys to becoming enlightened: The master key is the right spiritual education or information, the second key is environment and associations, and the third key is meditation.
In the awakening process, you have to purge, transform and renew your mind therefore, you have to dedicate your life to enlightenment and transformation. You have to become devoted to seeking spiritual truth and unleashing your faith or reaching your full potential.
First, you have to get the right spiritual information or education. Seek spiritual knowledge, consume (i.e. read or listen to) spiritual or inspirational material. There are several evolved souls that are sharing their enlightenment in books, YouTube video, audio, websites, articles, teleseminars, webinars, etc. Find the information that resonates with your spirit the most.
Your spiritual education should be geared towards purging and renewing your mind. In other words, geared towards removing all of the resistance and blockage (form-based perception of reality beliefs) that is restricting and causing you not to be able to be aware of the spiritual truth.
A good, enlightened and evolved coach can also assist you with your spiritual education. However, make sure that you choose wisely because there are a lot of people in the life coach business that are not spiritually evolved enough to facilitate enlightenment. Many have taken coaching courses and have not done the inner work that is necessary to be able to best assist you.
Also, as part of your spiritual education, seek out the best spiritual environment and associations you can find. Find spiritual groups on the internet in your local city. Join spiritual churches, support groups, mastermind groups and attend spiritual events where other enlightened souls congregate.
You become like the people and environment you associate with most so spend eighty percent of your time in a spiritual environment associating with awakened, evolved and enlightened souls sharing energy or light to make everyone’s life brighter.
Next it is necessary to do inner work (i.e. prayer and meditation). Prayer is questions or request to God. Meditation is calming your mind to where there is no thinking so you can hear God speak to you with the guidance you are seeking such as answers to your questions and solutions to challenges. A calm, still mind is always in a meditative state and always receptive to listening to spirit.
It is suggested that you practice daily being in a meditative state. However, for starters, meditate for at least 5 minutes a day. Find a quiet place where you can shut out the noise of the world. Then sit in silence with God listening for intuitive guidance and direction in your daily walk to the light of love, peace, joy, happiness, ecstasy, bliss and holistic success. When the guidance comes, take action.
The more enlightened you become, the more you will hear the voice of divine wisdom and the more your spiritual eyes will open and you will walk by faith and not by human sight. Dedicate your life to spiritual transformational education and meditation and you will unleash the spiritual enlightenment within you.