What is Christ Consciousness
Author: Greg Tharpe
Some Christian theologians and pastors say that “Christ consciousness” is a new age term and speak negatively about it. However, if the truth be told, Christ consciousness is just the terminology used to describe a renewed beautiful state of mind of faith, peace and certainty that re-connects you to God or your authentic self. Jesus talks about this in the scripture below.
Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will. [Romans 12:2]
Christ Consciousness is the level of faith in which our souls are aspiring to re-attain. It is our original birth right state of mind where we are without fear, doubt, negativity or resistance to the spiritual perspective of the truth. It is a state of grace and freedom where there is a clear connection to God; therefore, it causes healing to take place and your prayers to be easily answered.
Your life experience and the bible are strictly about faith and Christ consciousness. When Jesus spoke about “all things are possible to him that believeth,” “if you had the faith of a mustard seed nothing shall be impossible for you” and “whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours,” he was speaking about when you take on his mindset or your spiritual mindset, you will be able to reach your full potential and manifest in this way.
The adversary and opposite of Christ consciousness is human consciousness or ego which is the predominate mindset of most of the world. Most only have the level of understanding of a human because they are caught up in the illusion of this physical/material dimension. They are stuck at the level of only believing what they see.
When human beliefs are at the forefront of your consciousness, you have given power and authority over to your ego mind. It is in control of your life and your perception of reality is limited and skewed. Therefore, your understanding of God, self, spirit and truth is skewed and limited. This brings about the lower energies which attracts and creates the challenges and test you are here to experience to overcome the ego and move you to your Christ conscious mindset.
When you are led by your human consciousness or ego, you are only aware of the human perception of reality which is the illusion to bring about a life that is not what you truly want. Therefore, its intent is to alert you of the need to awaken and change or raise your frequency to realign with your true spiritual identity.
When you give the ego power and authority, you are weak. This means that your life is based mostly on what you see; therefore, you are more vulnerable to stress, worry and fear. At this level you are experiencing necessary challenges in your emotions, relationships, health or finances. However, all of these challenges are just indicators and opportunities to pressure you to change, grow spiritually and seek the way of the Christ consciousness.
When you have attained the Christ consciousness level, you have removed all human programming and personalities that causes resistance to the full flow of divine wisdom and the power of God. Therefore, you have given your life to God which allows spirit to guide and direct you on your life path. You have dis-empowered your ego which allows your spirit to freely guide you through the maze and jungle of life with ease and grace.
When you are in your Christ consciousness state of mind and being, your whole attitude changes from fear to faith. You feel a sense of certainty and positive expectancy. You clearly hear guidance from God. You know that you have the potential to “turn water to wine,” “heal the sick” and “raise the dead.” You clearly know that that you have the potential to do greater works than Jesus did. You know that it is just a matter of time before you manifest your dream.
So to renew your mind or attain the Christ consciousness level:
- First, set your intentions. Write them down.
- Second, identify and remove the ego or resistance to spiritual truth.
- Third, appreciate and welcome all challenges or opportunities you encounter for the purpose of assisting your growth to your renewed beautiful state of mind.
- Fourth, give your intention undivided attention for a minimum 30 straight days.
When this process is complete, you will have unleashed your faith closer to the level of the Christ consciousness.