5 Steps to a Happier and More Fulfilling Life
Author: Greg Tharpe

The world has perpetrated beliefs of contentment, and limitations when it comes to what is possible for you to achieve in your life (i.e. human potential and abundant holistic success). But, this kind of belief and thinking is based on fear and not faith in the ability of the Higher Power. Contrary to popular beliefs a happier and more abundantly blessed and fulfilling life is highly possible and guaranteed when you master these 5 steps:
- Change – The willingness to want to be better, have better and do better. Often times this may require the willingness to be wrong about your current perspective about God, Yourself and Life. The bottom line is that if you want any part of your life to get better your thinking has to get better. “As a man think in his heart so is he.”
- Vision – A holistic vision for your life. Imagine the ideal life with no limitations on your success. Picture this idea, your bank account, your income, and what you are doing to make it happen (i.e. business or investments). Now picture your ideal health, weight and fitness. Picture yourself living long, healthy, with energy, zest and vitality. Picture yourself having the ideal relationship, spouse, family, friends and others. Picture yourself happy all the time and traveling to places you want to go, buying the things you want to buy and doing the things you want to do. Produce this movie in your mind.
- Question – Seek spiritual help; pose the question to your higher power (i.e. God or The Universe etc.) For example, how do I make my life happier, more blessed, more balanced and fulfilling? Write the question down on paper and look at it often until it becomes your habitual thinking. Be patient and leave it to the God to give you the answer as to what you need to do.
- Faith –Develop an increase by reading spiritual and inspiring books such as the Gospel of Jesus, The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, The Godsend, Your Mind Can Heal You, etc. Pray and meditate on the things that cause you to think outside the box.
- Focus – Focus on your vision. For 21 days look at the question you posed to God/The Universe. See your dream actualized and run the movie in your mind. Get caught up in your dream. See yourself celebrating your fulfilling life. Look at your movie more than you look at the movies in theater and on television.
Practice these steps religiously until they are a part of your everyday life. Without taking these steps you might accomplish some worldly success but a totally happy and fulfilling life will elude you.